Now all of your favorite news are bundled in this single application. Don't waste any more time or storage downloading multiple apps. This app currently includes upto 16 popular Indian Newspapers in English language.
Currently included papers are:
The Times of India
Deccan Herald
The Hindu
Financial Express
New Indian Express
Deccan Chronicle
The Hindustan Times
Indian Express
The Economic Times
Central Chronicle
Business Line
Star of Mysore
Accommodation Times
Business Standard
Mid Day
The Tribune
Sekarang semua berita favorit Anda dibundel dalam aplikasi tunggal ini. Jangan buang waktu atau penyimpanan men-download beberapa aplikasi. Aplikasi ini saat ini mencakup upto 16 Koran India populer dalam bahasa Inggris.
Makalah saat ini termasuk adalah:
The Times of India
Deccan Herald
The Hindu
Financial Express
New Indian Express
Deccan Chronicle
The Hindustan Times
Indian Express
The Economic Times
Central Chronicle
Jalur Bisnis
Bintang Mysore
Akomodasi Waktu
Standar Bisnis
Pagi Menjelang Siang
The Tribune